2014 Long Range Forecast
  • December 27, 2013
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2014 Long Range Forecast

As much as I was hoping that the Farmer’s Almanac might be wrong about the 2013 forecast, I’m equally hoping it will be right about it’s 2014 forecast.

See, the Farmer’s Almanac stated last winter that 2013 would see a long, cold spring and a long, cold fall with a short, hot summer stuck in the middle and that’s exactly what happened. All of our fruit trees saw an early blossom, followed by a late freeze and zero fruit for the year. The pests were ridiculous and everything in the garden struggled through the harsh summer. Our harvests were weak, to say the very least, despite our best efforts and I actually wondered, just for a minute, if this whole urban farming thing is actually worth all the effort we put into it. It really was just a minute, though!

So, when I looked up what 2014 is supposed to have in store for us, I have to say I was a bit excited! Although hotter and drier than average summer conditions are a bit overwhelming to think about in relation to our already hot and dry normal conditions, I am choosing to focus on the warm and wet spring that is mentioned first!

Our growing season is already a bit short given our high desert location, but if we are gifted a warm spring, that growing season is extended considerably! Additionally, we are looking at the possibility of a warm (yet dry) early fall which could just mean another banner year (think: 2012) if we are lucky and the Weather Gods cooperate! As we’re planning our 2014 seed starting and planting schedule, this is all very helpful and exciting.

Now, what’s the weather forecasted to be in your neck of the woods? Check it out here (2014 Long-Range Weather Forecast) and let me know!


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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm