Spring Fever 2014

Spring Fever 2014

Sprout in the Garden

apricot buds

wire cages and yard waste

seeds and baby hands


Hoop House-before and after

bulb sprouts

The weather has been phenomenally warm the last several days. So warm, in fact, that we have walked around in short sleeve shirts and actually got out into the yard for a bit this morning. Crazy, right? Yep, Spring Fever is in full effect!

Unfortunately, it’s only mid-February…way too early for Spring Fever and way too early to much of anything but a little clean up and a lot of dreaming. Or is it?

As I’ve mentioned before, the Farmer’s Almanac is saying that we are going to see a warm, wet spring. Looking at the forecast, with the exception of the last week in February (Feb 25-28 to be exact) when we are supposed to see rain and snow showers, the next two months look to be pretty mild.

Honestly, I would be happy for a bit of snow or rain, but I won’t hold my breathe since storms have a way of whipped around and right past us…Have you ever heard of a storm’s “bust potential”? Yeah…we have those here as part of the actual forecast.

Anyhow, back to my Spring Fever! We figured, with the weather being so beautiful and the potential for an early, warm, wet spring, we might as well get started on a few garden related tasks. So, we put a sun hat on Sprout and spent a couple of hours in the sunshine and fresh air.

There was Russian Sage to trim and fruit trees to prune (both of which should have been done last Fall, but got away from us after Sprout’s birth). There was soil to amend and a couple of beds to clean up (with several others still waiting for their turn). I also decided to throw down some cover crop seeds and plant a few rows of spinach and kale in one of raised beds before turning it into a hoop house (another task that got lost last Fall).

There were also bulbs and trees to water (due to the lack of moisture coming from the sky) and dried up, gone-to-seed weeds to pull. And then, of course, there was the mental list that was created with all of the other things that need to be done to get ready for actual Spring and not just the Fever that’s gripped me now. The raking and amending and planning and seed pushing before it is even officially Spring and time to move our operations outdoors for the season.


So, I came inside, dirty and unreasonably tired, and started a few tomato, pepper and herb seeds under the grow lights. Their sprouts should pop and inspire me shortly as I continue to battle this fever of mine.

How’s February treating you in your neck of the woods. Is it full of Spring Fever or Cabin Fever or continued gorgeous, fluffy, white snow? Do tell.


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6 Comments on “Spring Fever 2014

  1. Amen, sister! I got it bad on Valentines Day and thought the same thing…it’s too early, but this feels too good to stop! It’s a good thing it gets dark early because if it didn’t get dark and freezing I’d still be out there! Sweet post, sweet pics, sweet kid. -marian

  2. I am so happy to see that someone is experiencing signs of spring. Sprout is adorable! Even though it is too early to plant, it is not too early to prepare the beds. It must be nice to dig in the soil once again.

    1. We’ll see if it holds up! My guess is that we’ll get another storm or two…I just hope that they come sooner than later so we can maybe get some fruit from our tress this year!

  3. Love the pics! I really want to make a hoop house like yours this year. Keep putting that project off. Your little girl is just too cute for words. I have to say…your lack of snow has me feeling a bit of envy.

    1. Our hoop houses have been priceless! As long as we use them, that is 😉 Once the hardware is all attached, it’s super easy to put them up and pull them down! I’m contemplating a post about them…maybe it will prove helpful?

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