Mystery Melon

Mystery Melon

Last year, as part of our CSA share, we received a delicious Mystery Melon.  First, it looked like a Cantaloupe on the outside, but the flesh inside was green.  Second, the taste fell somewhere between Honey Dew and Cantaloupe.  Very interesting and incredibly delicious.So I saved some seeds.Fast forward to this June.  In one of my front yard beds there…
The Season of Preservation

The Season of Preservation

I started off the Season of Preservation with the best of intentions.  I created an excel spreadsheet and planned on updating it each time we canned an item.  This being only our second year of preserving anything, I was very excited about learning how to preserve a small variety of new-to-us items using both our water bath canner and our…
The Business of Art

The Business of Art

Art, until about a year ago, was always one of those things that I'd done from time to time for fun.  Not anything I did to earn money or to really put out into the world.  Then, about a year ago, I decided to make a go of it. It's terrifying to work hard to create something beautiful, and then…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!According to the Farmer's Almanac, we are in for a cold, wet winter!  I'll take the snow, but am hopeful the cold part is a normal cold and not a frigid one! We are planning two hoop houses in the backyard this year in which to over winter a few crops.  In addition to plastic sheeting and water bottles…
Apple Season

Apple Season

Apple season is officially upon us and, I have to say, I am so incredibly excited about it!Since we've processed all 150 pounds of gifted apples, it's finally time to start harvesting the apples from our own tiny trees!Now, we put in our apple trees just a few years ago and this is the first year we've really seen them…
Canning Hatch Chile

Canning Hatch Chile

Hatch chile is a staple here.  We eat it on and with everything (burgers and pizza included).  It is full of vitamins and minerals and makes for the perfect of comfort foods.  When ordering it on your food, you'll always be asked, "Red, Green or Christmas?"  "Christmas" means having both red and green sharing your plate.  I have always preferred…