Winter Tomatoes – Coming Inside

Winter Tomatoes – Coming Inside

Can one actually grow tomatoes inside throughout the winter?  Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough, ha?So far, the process has been fairly painless...the cuttings rooted well, transplanted fine and even recovered enough in the last month to put out some new growth and several little flowers! So, with the cooler evenings (and treats of frost) we brought in…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!Well, as I mentioned yesterday, the cold is toying with us!  We were forecasted to hit freezing temps last weekend, but alas, nothing happened.  I'm guessing this will be our last large harvest before bringing in all the green tomatoes in the next week or so and the potatoes that we're hoping have matured under cover, but I…
Pulling Out the Plastic

Pulling Out the Plastic

After several weeks of temperatures dipping into the 40s at night, last night was forecasted to officially reach 32 degrees. So, upon my arrival home from a work conference yesterday (full of inspiration, exhaustion and time spent with beloved colleagues), we harvested all that was ready...We then pulled out the plastic for our two backyard hoop houses and some freeze cloth for a…


Apparently, nature doesn’t like boxes. One can take a seed, plant it, watch it germinate & acquire its first true leaves, transplant it and continue to care for it while it  s t r e t c h e s  its roots, grows upwards and outwards, flowers, sets fruit and continues on its cycle. But, one cannot tame its natural…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!I promise we harvested more than a couple of peppers, a melon and a few tomatoes!Happy Hot PeppersOur Mystery Melon!  Tomato Bounty:(top row) Italian Heirloom, Sweet Small Cherry, Bi-Color Cherry, Orange Flesh Purple Smudge, Cherokee Purple(bottom row) Yellow Taxi, Black From Tula, RomaUnfortunately, due to busy-ness, those are the only three photographs that were taken of this weeks…
El Rancho de las Golondrinas

El Rancho de las Golondrinas

BIG (unrelated to garden) NEWS!I am now, as of last Monday, officially a Big Sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters!  :-)Usually when being "matched" with a Little through Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), a Big & Little match is set up by the staff at BBBS using the information obtained in your interviews based on interests and similarities expressed by…