Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Well, things aren't incredibly exciting here in the way of harvests now.  We do, however, still have a few tomato vines that are holding onto some beautiful fruits (a Barnes Mountain Yellow, two Orange Flesh Purple Smudges and an Italian Heirloom), though they are ripening rather slowly with the cooler weather and shorter days!  They will have to,…
The First Milking

The First Milking

Welp, it's official...we have decided to move forward with the goat milking gig and yesterday afternoon was our first shot at it!The agreement is that we will milk twice a week (on Saturdays and Wednesdays) with the understanding that 1) we will give two weeks notice if we (or she) will be out of town to ensure milking is covered…

Possible Goat Milking Gig

Last weekend, while browsing Craigslist, Tool Lady found a posting titled "Goat Milking Gig".  So, she asked if it sounded like a good idea, and of course, I said yes!  After a few emails and phone calls, it was decided that we should meet, check each other out, check the set up out and get a little tutorial on goat…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Tool Lady taming the jungle. I escaped Homework Land just long enough to snap a couple of pictures :-)How do you know that your wife loves you?  When she chooses to spend the majority of her Saturday cleaning up the garden and bringing in what's left to harvest while you work on homework for 14 hours straight!  True story,…
The Calm After the Storm

The Calm After the Storm

The forecast called for rain and wind yesterday.The storm came in on Thursday night, bringing lightening & thunder at 7AM on Friday (which is rare, but not unheard of).  It rained a little, then cleared up and circled around us for most of the day.At about 3:30, the sky started darkening and wind picked up.  Naturally, I was at work,…
{this moment}

{this moment}

{this moment inspired by Soule Mama}  If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.