Pallet Beds – Update

Pallet Beds – Update

Do you ever walk around your garden, harvest, weed, plant, tool around, but not really see certain aspects of what's happening? I do.  It happened with yesterdays horn worms and it happened with our pallet beds. I was sitting on our back porch (I do this a lot) and suddenly realized that our pallet beds are doing really well!  Who…
I Don’t Consider Myself a Violent Person…

I Don’t Consider Myself a Violent Person…

But I do find a great sense of satisfaction in feeding horn worms to our chickens.  Especially after they've successfully destroyed several tomatoes.Stupid worms.
{this moment}

{this moment}

{this moment inspired by Soule Mama} If you feel inspired to share your moment, please leave a link to your moment in the comments below for all to see.


At the risk of sounding a bit...crazy...I have decided to share a little piece of my existence with you all that has absolutely nothing to do with gardening, canning, chickens or bees.  Brace yourselves...I have been blessed to live my entire life in a fairly small community (~70,000 people) that is incredibly rich in history, culture and tradition.  Here in Santa…
How Many Apples Does It Take…

How Many Apples Does It Take… drive a woman crazy?Apparently the answer is 150 pounds because that's what we harvested last Friday evening and, at this point, I'm feeling a bit crazy about the process of processing 150 pounds of delicious (unforgiving) apples.Let's go back a bit and explain how we acquired so many apples...I have a friend named Madonna (yes, that's her given name…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Amazingly, in this time of bountiful harvests, I haven't actually been harvesting very often!  Not because there wasn't anything to harvest, but because other life-happenings have been getting in the way.  Nothing to worry about though, everything's fine...just very busy these days (is this becoming a theme/habit?).Remarkably, I failed to even notice last week that I had broken…