• Chickens

    Spring Chicks

    A few years ago, after years without a Roo, we added a beautiful Jersey Giant Roo to our mixed flock. Rosco is the sweetest boy and a good sire and we are so very grateful for our closed loop. He and a handful of our hens have gone rogue and…

  • Chickens

    It just keeps getting better…

    Not only is one of our Buff Orpingtons on a roll with her almost daily laying of a sweet, pink, egg… But now one of our black and white Easter Eggers has started up again, too, with a very light green (and very long) egg almost daily as well! Oh…

  • Chickens

    What may look like a simple egg…

    …is really a sign of hope… a sign that the days really are getting longer… a sign that Spring (though two months away) really is just around the bend… and therefore totally worthy of a photo shoot! Yes, for months we’ve only gotten one or two beautiful, dark brown, Maran…

  • Everything Else

    So much hope…

    With Spring officially upon us, there are signs of the changing seasons everywhere! From the fresh air to the spring rains…the greening grasses to the increased egg production of our lovely ladies, there is so much hope in this season. Wishing you a lovely Spring, filled with as much hope as your…

  • Eat - Grow - Harvest

    Grow, Harvest, Eat

    Last weekend was an absolute whirlwind of activity!  Do you ever feel like you need another weekend to recover from your weekend?  Yeah…me too!  Happy Monday!!! There was the work on the chicken coop first thing Friday morning in order to help make the Ladies a bit happier after all…

  • Chickens

    Bumpy Eggs

    What do you get when you keep your own chickens? Sweet imperfections and great diversity.  Extra calcium (deposits) included. I find that, despite keeping backyard laying hens for the past few years, I am continually amazed by how beautiful and how different each individual egg is.  The colors, the shapes,…

  • Uncategorized

    Broody No More?

    After several weeks of battling our broody Australorp and about a week and a half in solitary confinement, I think we’re in the clear! The laying of eggs (being a telltale sign that a chicken has forgotten her broodiness) began about a week ago.  After a few days and a…

  • Harvest

    Garden Happiness & Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday, everyone! I am incredibly happy to report that this week has brought us a variety of small and delicious harvests!  But first, let’s look at how a few things are growing… The cucumbers and bush beans are doing very well!  The cukes aren’t yet reaching for their support,…