What may look like a simple egg…

What may look like a simple egg…

…is really a sign of hope…

a sign that the days really are getting longer…

a sign that Spring (though two months away) really is just around the bend…

and therefore totally worthy of a photo shoot!

eggs and chickens
Buff and Maran eggs

Yes, for months we’ve only gotten one or two beautiful, dark brown, Maran eggs each day, but yesterday also brought us the tiniest, lightest pink, Buff Orpington egg and I literally did a Happy Dance.

I know the snow will still fly and the wind will continue to sting my face in the months to come but this really is such a good, hopeful sign 🙂


(Visited 284 times, 1 visits today)
Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Tara

    What lovely photos. I love the one with the chickens behind the eggs, lovely colours. I can’t wait for spring.

    1. Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

      Thank you very much, Tara! They make lovely subjects 🙂

  2. Maridy

    Our two mixed-breed hens (from a home with several breeds of roosters and hens who freely intermingle and a mamma hen who accepted anyone’s eggs, so no telling who the parents were) have been laying steadily nearly all winter with no supplemental light. I’m not complaining, but it sure has been weird! Our english game hen, on the other hand, hasn’t laid a single egg since October. Glad to see your egg production might be on the upswing. How many layers so you have?

    1. Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

      How cool, Maridy!!! We currently have 10 layers and are thinking it’s time to up our game this spring 😉

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