Puddle Jumping

Puddle Jumping

Puddle Jumping - Boots

Puddle Jumping - Ember

Puddle Jumping - Muddy Boots

Puddle jumping - splash


Puddle jumping

With temperatures in the high 40s and mid-50s for well over a week now, our property is a mess of mud and puddles everywhere the sun hits (and yet still pure sheets of ice where it doesn’t).

The mud makes taking care of the animals a definite chore…especially when hauling water or trying to contain a bouncing, 100 pound puppy dog, but it also makes for some good fun.

And so, E and I have spent many, many hours outside over the past several days as bundled up as necessary as the sun sets over the mountains at the end of each long and exhausting (work and pre-school filled) day and the temperatures begin to drop.

There has been plenty of jumping and splashing, laughing and chatting, and trying our best to not get our boots stuck or our socks wet.

Truth be told, I never would have anticipated enjoying all of that squishy, mucky, brown mess as much as I do when I’m in the company of my sweet girl 🙂


(Visited 202 times, 1 visits today)
Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Maridy

    Isn’t it amazing how spending time with our kiddos can give us a new perspective, or, as I have often found out, the excuse I need to enjoy those simple pleasures.

    1. Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

      They sure do keep us young, don’t they? <3

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