
70 articles
Transitional (Chick) Housing

Transitional (Chick) Housing

Our newest set of Newbies has officially been moved into their outdoor brooder and are very happy for it.  I think our indoor brooder was getting a little too cramped for them because they have been incredibly busy meeting the neighbors, pecking around, giving themselves dirt baths and exploring their new digs. They have their own water, food and a heat lamp…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!It's been a while since I have written a Harvest Monday post simply because there hasn't been much to report besides eggs, eggs and more eggs. Really though, honestly, I am incredibly grateful for all of our eggs!  The color, the taste, the ability to harvest them from our own chickens in our own backyard!  Yes, I really…
The Great Chicken Escape

The Great Chicken Escape

A couple of mornings ago I walked to the coop to give the Ladies some leftovers and noticed, out of the corner of my eye, one of our Ameraucanas on the outside of the coop, right by my feet!  Thoroughly confused, I let her into the coop.I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how she escaped!  Maybe she…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!Welp, it's that time of year again...warm days and chilly evenings followed by snow on the ground and the reminder that it really is still winter, despite the Spring Fever that keeps tempting me to put some seeds in the ground on the sunny days.  Soon enough, though...soon enough!Until then, though, at least our old stand bys can…
Catch Up

Catch Up

I've been kind of out-of-sorts for a couple of weeks now.  Full-on sick (kidney infection first, then the flu), as have Tool Lady and Fish Girl (just the flu for them...horrible, no good, very bad, long lasting flu). It's hard to focus on anything when your body hurts and you can't breathe.  We're doing better now, though still on the…
Quirky Chickens

Quirky Chickens

When checking for eggs yesterday, I was greeted by one of our two Black Australorps who was ready to lay.  Curious to see what she would do with me watching, I left the door open, stepped back and watched for a minute.  After assessing my intentions, she began moving the eggs around in the nesting box with her beak.Apparently, after…