
92 articles
Cockle Doodle Doo…

Cockle Doodle Doo…

Our rooster has finally found his Doodle Doo...The only catch is, he sings from inside the coop between 6:00 and 6:30 every single morning now.Yep, you read that right...he doesn't leave the coop and stand in the brilliant sunshine to sing his song, he does it from the comfort of the roost inside the dark coop.  Even the Ladies are…
Change Affected?

Change Affected?

Last night, while checking on Broody's food and water, we found this...Yep, that's an actual egg!  And guess what?  She wasn't laying on it!!!  She was walking around, eating, drinking and being calm!  Amazing!Do you see the egg at the bottom of the photo?And Broody at the top, having a little drink?It's probably too soon to tell if she's really…
Broody – Drawing Blood & Back in Solitary

Broody – Drawing Blood & Back in Solitary

Ugh...Broody is back in solitary confinement.  This time, though, we put her in the outdoor chick brooder instead of the little one in the garage since she beat herself up last time.Why is she in there again?  Well, because she is officially on the cull list :-(  We tried solitary the first time and it didn't work.  So, then we…
Broody Blondie

Broody Blondie

Well, after last weekends post about our broody hen we decided to put Blondie in solitary confinement for a couple of days. We decided to use our brooder (Version #2) and put it in the garage where the temperature this time of year is still pretty cool.  (We've had a couple of laughs about using the brooder for the broody hen!)  She went…


Whelp...we have our first broody hen.  This is Blondie (called that because of all her yellow coloring...all our other Ameracaunas have a rustier coloring to their feathers) and she's officially gone broody over the past week.  Being that she's a little over a year old and it's spring, I guess she's right on time with her instincts, but really...I could…
Combining Flocks

Combining Flocks

Well, I think it may have been over due, but we put the newest Newbies in with the Ladies today!  The only catch is that we haven't expanded the run yet!  I think it'll be fine for a couple of weeks, though.  We'll get to it...just not right now :-) Hungry babies!Isn't she pretty!?The Ladies and the Newbies pretty much stayed…