
92 articles
In a Couple of Months…

In a Couple of Months…

These little cuties will be giving us... A lot more of these!  WooHoo!!!We've gone through periods of egg shortages this winter, but I'm thinking/hoping that won't be the case next year ;-)
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!What a week it's been!  We had beautiful weather pretty much every day this week except for Sunday, which was absolutely disgusting...windy and grey and dusty and darn windy that plastic to one of my hoop houses is pretty much torn to shreds.  We attached a new (not big enough) strip of plastic over the top of…
Brand New Chick Brooder!

Brand New Chick Brooder! it is...our brand new chick brooder AKA Version #3!  The chicks have been living in it for a couple of weeks now and it's worked out wonderfully!  I talked about our other two brooders here. Tool Lady re-used the wood that was our original coop (it's all just been sitting in the garage for the past year waiting for…
Worms & Introductions

Worms & Introductions

Last weekend, with the sun shining brightly overhead, and the wind whipping across the back of the house, we decided to bring the newest Newbies into the front yard again for some exploration.  To encourage foraging, Tool Lady threw down some feed and a few kernels of corn.  They were very excited about it all!While they were pecking around, I played in…
Brooders – Versions 1 & 2

Brooders – Versions 1 & 2

When we got our first batch of chickens 2 years ago, we really had no clue what we were doing.  We got 5 Ameracaunas thinking that we'd wind up with 3 (after looking at statistics we found online we thought that maybe 1 would be a rooster and maybe 1 would die). We kept the chicks in a big cardboard…
Sunshine and New Feathers

Sunshine and New Feathers

Today it is absolutely gorgeous outside!  The sun is shining, the sky is bright blue and there is very little wind.  We thought it was the perfect day to let our newest Newbies have some time in the sunshine!  So, out of the brooder they came!At first they were really hesitant and stayed huddled together in the middle of the…