
92 articles
Chick Antics

Chick Antics

We're not exactly sure how, but one of Newbie Buff Orpingtons keeps getting up on top of the feeder in the Brooder.  We're hoping this means she is just curious about what's happening beyond her current four walls, not that she is a he that likes to stand above the Ladies.xoxo,M
The Great Chicken Escape

The Great Chicken Escape

A couple of mornings ago I walked to the coop to give the Ladies some leftovers and noticed, out of the corner of my eye, one of our Ameraucanas on the outside of the coop, right by my feet!  Thoroughly confused, I let her into the coop.I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how she escaped!  Maybe she…
Buff Orpingtons

Buff Orpingtons

Let me introduce you to our newest Newbies!These little beauties are Buff Orpingtons and will raise our flock to the count of 20!  We got our first Buffs last year and love their little personalities!  They are so incredibly sweet and curious!  The fact that they are just plain beautiful is an extra added bonus, too!Final count (if all these…
Catch Up

Catch Up

I've been kind of out-of-sorts for a couple of weeks now.  Full-on sick (kidney infection first, then the flu), as have Tool Lady and Fish Girl (just the flu for them...horrible, no good, very bad, long lasting flu). It's hard to focus on anything when your body hurts and you can't breathe.  We're doing better now, though still on the…
Quirky Chickens

Quirky Chickens

When checking for eggs yesterday, I was greeted by one of our two Black Australorps who was ready to lay.  Curious to see what she would do with me watching, I left the door open, stepped back and watched for a minute.  After assessing my intentions, she began moving the eggs around in the nesting box with her beak.Apparently, after…
The Chicken Whisperer

The Chicken Whisperer

Hope you are surrounded by those you love today (and every day)!xoxo,MLinking up to the Seasonal Celebration