Fallen Seedlings

Fallen Seedlings

I've been hardening off a lot of my seedlings over the last several days and then bringing them in the house at night so they don't get too cold.  They've been doing really great...no wilting or burning, no falling over in the wind...awesome!  This is until yesterday.  Yesterday I came home from work to find this...My partially decapitated Roma seedlingYes,…
How to Build a Raised Bed

How to Build a Raised Bed

Well, since we've been raised bed makin' fools around here and I thought I might share how we actually put our beds together :-)  It's a fairly simple process, but it always takes us longer than we remember it's going to!First, determine the space your new bed(s) will go in and take measurements (remember: measure twice, cut once).Next, gather and…

How to Build a Raised Bed

Well, since we've been raised bed makin' fools around here and I thought I might share with you all how to make a raised bed, too :-) It's a fairly simple process, but it always takes us longer than we remember it's going to! First, determine the space your new bed(s) will go in and take measurements (remember: measure twice,…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!!!We didn't harvest a single thing all week until last night when I harvested some greens and carrots for lunch today (adding a couple boiled eggs makes an almost perfect salad)!I spent a lot of time last weekend cleaning, blanching and freezing all the greens we harvested last week.  I always forget how a huge harvest cooks down…
Urban Farm Economics

Urban Farm Economics

Alright, as part of my urban farming goals this year, I wanted to write down all of the expenses we've accrued since we began our little adventure a few years ago.  We're calling this our Urban Farm Economics.  Little did I know how greatly it would stress me out to see the actual numbers in black and white.  Holy hell,…
Combining Flocks

Combining Flocks

Well, I think it may have been over due, but we put the newest Newbies in with the Ladies today!  The only catch is that we haven't expanded the run yet!  I think it'll be fine for a couple of weeks, though.  We'll get to it...just not right now :-) Hungry babies!Isn't she pretty!?The Ladies and the Newbies pretty much stayed…