How to Build a Raised Bed
  • May 1, 2012
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  • DIY
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How to Build a Raised Bed

Well, since we’ve been raised bed makin’ fools around here and I thought I might share how we actually put our beds together 🙂  It’s a fairly simple process, but it always takes us longer than we remember it’s going to!

First, determine the space your new bed(s) will go in and take measurements (remember: measure twice, cut once).

Next, gather and cut your lumber and posts to your chosen size (your posts should be about 6 inches taller than your bed will be high). Grab your drill, screws and bits, a hammer, staple gun and extra staples.

Then, put the frame together, which is basically just a box.  If you want your bed to be higher, stack two boxes on top of each other.


Next, adjust the bed so it sits exactly where you want it and make sure it’s level-ish  😉 Dig your posts into the ground at each corner.  Make sure the top of the post is flush with the top of your bed (this is where the hammer comes in handy…) and drill them into each other from one side or the other.  If your bed is two boxes tall, make sure to screw both layers into each post.

Once your bed is put together, now would be the time to cut and lay down your weed cloth and staple it to the inside of your bed.  This isn’t a necessary step, but if you have roots in the ground around your beds, they will take over your beds.  So, the weed cloth works as a barrier from the bottom up while still allowing for proper drainage.

Finally, fill your bed(s) with soil and you’re done!!!  All that’s left is the planting and watering and weeding…but that’s another story 😉

Happy building!!!

Linking up to Frugal days, Sustainable Ways #26

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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Kate

    Very nice! I can’t wait to see all the vegetables.

  2. Stoney Acres

    Your beds look very nice!! I like that they are so tall, that will make them super easy to weed and care for!! Ours are only 12 inches tall and as I’m getting older I wish I did have to bend over so low to pull the weeds!!

    1. Bee Girl

      At first I though they were going to be too tall! They looked huge to me once we got them up! But I’ve adjusted and am super happy with them now…it’s definitely nice to not have to bend over so much to take care of things 🙂


    The boxes turned out great! I like the design of the rows. As for sealing, the sealant when dried properly won’t leach. They need about a month to dry completely.

    1. Bee Girl

      Thank you! We’re happy with them and can’t wait to get lots of seeds and seedlings into them! It’s almost time!!!

  4. Anonymous

    Did you seal the wood on your boxes? They look beautiful. I’m building mine this weekend and I’m concerns about the wood not lasting too long if they aren’t sealed. But I’m more worried about the sealer chemicals leaching into the plants.

    1. Bee Girl

      The wood we used was reclaimed from an old house a local contractor tore down earlier this year. These were the old floor boards…amazing, right? So, I’m not sure what they’re sealed with but whatever it is, it must have off-gassed 100 years ago 😉 We haven’t sealed out other raised beds because we have been worried about leaching but my understanding is that once they’ve cured, you should be OK. Another option is to simply not plant root veggies in the beds you decide to seal.

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