Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Not a ton to report today in the way of actual harvests as we're nearing the end of our greens and there's a bit of a break between them and my spring plantings.  I still haven't mastered this whole succession planting schedule but there is a lot growing in the garden right now and I just planted out…
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

We have never before had so much green happening in our yard at this time of year!  I think part of the reason is our exceptionally warm winter and spring and part of it is all the seed starting we did this spring under our grow lights.  It is very exciting to me to see so much promise in our…


Whelp...we have our first broody hen.  This is Blondie (called that because of all her yellow coloring...all our other Ameracaunas have a rustier coloring to their feathers) and she's officially gone broody over the past week.  Being that she's a little over a year old and it's spring, I guess she's right on time with her instincts, but really...I could…
Independence Days

Independence Days

Happy Friday, everyone!!!I've continued to hope that the warm weather will stick around and have been slowly transplanting hardened off veggies into either the ground or their permanent pots.  I have to continuously fight the urge to put everything in the ground right now, but we are very close!  Anyhow, here's a peek at some of what we've been up…
Strawberry Pot

Strawberry Pot

I've read mixed reviews about strawberry pots, but we were given one last year that has since sat empty and figured it was time to give it a try.  So, we purchased some Allstars to give them a shot since we already have a small Quinault patch in our front yard.We started by cutting a small piece of weed cloth…
Herb Garden

Herb Garden

After all the hoping and planning and sowing, I finally have my herb garden!!!  Yes, I am very excited :-) We decided that we realistically don't have the space for a proper spiral herb garden now that we have all of raised beds in the backyard (although I would still like to have a spiral someday).  So instead, we utilized…