
And so we wait…

I kid you not, we’d just put her on the cull list.

With wonky, inconsistent eggs and a perpetual limp (for no good reason) we figured she could provide a nice stock since she’s beyond her prime for straight eating.

And then she goes and does this.

I swear she must’ve heard us and decided to pull her weight in new and exciting ways.

See, she’s only the second of our hens to go broody on a clutch of eggs that could actually hatch (roosters are a thing, you know) and the first tossed her nest after irregular sitting and no hatch over a year ago.

The only problem is, this little Maran decided to sit on a clutch of eggs right after we discovered a 6-foot long bull snake chilling in the coop who then promptly slithered away and into one of the holes in the adobe walls of said coop.

Though, why would it leave? It’s cool and secure and there is a buffet of eggs in there!

This lady, the Maran with the wonky eggs I posted about a few days ago, was sitting on a few eggs in one of the nesting boxes for a couple of days before hopping over to the box next door yesterday after all the other hens laid their eggs. So, I moved the original eggs over into her box and she took them all under her 💗Silly girl! We’ve not ever had a broody hen successfully hatch a clutch of eggs, so I’m hopeful she’ll maintain and will have a few fluffy butts to raise in about 18 days but I have a question for you: Should we move her to safer, contained location? And can we do so without totally traumatizing not her? See, there’s a six foot bull snake living/on the loose in the Coop and I *really don’t want to risk anything happening to her or those eggs/chicks! Any insights will be much appreciated! . . . . #chickens #backyardchickens #backyardchickenproject #backyardpoultry #backyardpoultrymag #chickensofinstagram #layinghen #freerange #chicken #broody #broodyhen #chickencoop #eggs #chickenlove #grateful #lifeisbeautiful #farmlife

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So, after some help from the hive-mind on social media, we took the risk of moving her into a secure location to protect her and her eleven developing eggs and she seems to be doing just fine in her little make-shift condo in the garage.

I’ve marked the calendar for a July 7th (ish) hatch and so we wait.


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5 Comments on “And so we wait…

  1. I think chickens may be smarter than we realize! My neighbor’s 4 chickens (The Golden Girls) escaped their coop a few weeks back. My neighbor was IRATE chasing down those girls. She was yelling at them, “Enjoy our freedom you lazy chickens. A bunch a damn freeloaders not even producing eggs. That’s fine because y’all about to be dinner. Cause I have a hankering for fried chicken and soup” So after she caught them and put them back in there now reinforced coop/ run, lo and behold they all 4 begin laying eggs the next day and are being very well behaved, hahaha.
    Tonya recently posted…Garden Update part1My Profile

    1. LOL…Yeah, sometimes they just need a stern talking to to remember their purpose 😉 Hope you’re well, Tonya! Thanks for taking the time to comment 🙂

  2. Did I hear someone say “chicken soup”? I guess I need to something about it… I hope you have some chicks in a couple of weeks.

    1. Ha! Hope you made yourself a yummy bowl! Thanks for the well wishes, Trent! I am cautiously optimistic!

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