broody chicken

3 articles

And so we wait…

I kid you not, we'd just put her on the cull list. With wonky, inconsistent eggs and a perpetual limp (for no good reason) we figured she could provide a nice stock since she's beyond her prime for straight eating. And then she goes and does this. I swear she must've heard us and decided to pull her weight in new…
Broody Australorp

Broody Australorp

Well, it looks like Spring brings broody chickens.   A few weeks ago, one of our Black Australorps went broody on us. She even plucked her  belly feathers to help incubate her unfertilized eggs.  Luckily, she's been much more docile than our broody Ameraucana last spring and there have been no attacks or bloody toes!  We've removed her from the…
Broody – Drawing Blood & Back in Solitary

Broody – Drawing Blood & Back in Solitary

Ugh...Broody is back in solitary confinement.  This time, though, we put her in the outdoor chick brooder instead of the little one in the garage since she beat herself up last time.Why is she in there again?  Well, because she is officially on the cull list :-(  We tried solitary the first time and it didn't work.  So, then we…