Local Bite

#LocalBite Mini Challenge – Week One

Alright, as I mentioned a bit back, I’ve been toying with the idea of reviving the Mini Challenges from my massive Local Bite Challenge of 2014 in an effort to once again place my intention on sourcing as much of our foods locally as possible.

I’ve added a 2016 Mini Challenge page with all of the new dates for each challenge in case any of you want to play along (Oh, I hope you will!) and will post here weekly with the new challenge and how I did on the previous challenge.

Please feel free to join me in these mini-challenges and share your experiences and insights in the comments below 🙂

If you use social media, please also feel free to tag your local foods/meals/ beverages/etc. with #localbite so we can all find each other and see what one another are up to throughout each week.

This is going to be a super laid back challenge so I’m not going to worry too much about rules or guidelines, I simply want to take advantage of the season, feed myself and my family some local deliciousness and keep a few more dollars in our local community.

So, without further adieu, this weeks challenge is:

One Item

Visit your local Farmers’ Market, Co-op, road-side stand or UPick Farm and purchase one new-to-you, locally grown item and enjoy it however you see fit!

That’s it!  Easy peasy, right?

Oohhh…I can’t wait to find my new-to-me item and to share it with you all and I really can’t wait to see what you find, too!

Before you go, though, please pop on over and read Leona’s lovely article she wrote in 2014 about all of the ways one can eat local in Canada (which translates to the rest of us perfectly 🙂 )

Happy reading, happy shopping, and happy eating!  See you on the other side!



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