Local Bite

49 articles

#LocalBite Mini Challenge – Week Three

I have a confession to make: Despite my great intentions last week, I simply was not able to push a few seeds into the soil. Utter failure. I could blame to 100* days or my exhaustion or the sickness that has plagued our house for a month now or the fact that the acequia is completely dry or the massive…

#LocalBite Mini Challenge – Week Two

I have to admit, I almost didn't make it here today. Between sheer exhaustion and a full blown stomach flu over the weekend (which is still rumbling today), it's been a rough few days, but I made it! And, despite my super busy work day on Saturday, I did in fact remember to purchase a new-to-me item for last week's…

#LocalBite Mini Challenge – Week One

Alright, as I mentioned a bit back, I've been toying with the idea of reviving the Mini Challenges from my massive Local Bite Challenge of 2014 in an effort to once again place my intention on sourcing as much of our foods locally as possible. I've added a 2016 Mini Challenge page with all of the new dates for each challenge in…
If we were having coffee…

If we were having coffee…

If we were having coffee, I'd greet you with a big hug and thank you for joining me today! We'd settle in for a nice cuppa in the orchard by the acequia and watch the sun dance on the tree tops for a bit before diving into a gentle chat. If we were having coffee, I'd ask how you've been…
A Locally Inspired Thanksgiving

A Locally Inspired Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving right around the corner and big grocery shopping days coming up, now is the perfect time to keep our local food sources in mind! Yes, the glory of summer is over, the hustle and bustle at the Farmers Market has calmed to a quiet shuffle, but there are still so many treats to be found and so many…
Local Bite Reflection

Local Bite Reflection

With our Local Bite Challenge behind us by over a month already, I've been putting off writing this post for a variety of reasons. For one, how does one properly reflect on something so simple and yet so profound as a change in diet and perspective? Also, time.  As in...where does the time go these days?  In between chasing around…