
Goat Pregnancy Watch! Day 86

I’ve been driving myself a bit crazy trying to figure out if Mama is pregnant…reading a bunch of articles, constantly checking for signs of heat, watching her belly…all in the hope that she will, in fact, give us at least one (but maybe more!) kid in May!

I am so giddy about the potential for having our very first babies born on the farm!

You might remember that we took her to get bred the week of December 14th and that she was actually probably bred that first day (talk about cutting it close on the timing).  So, if this is true, and our Breeder’s deductions are correct about a 145 day gestation (which has been her experience in general, but with Mama in particular last year as a first time freshener), we’ll be looking at May 7th as her due date!

Now, despite my longings, in the interest of frugality, we did not have her tested when the Vet came out a few weeks ago (hence all the reading and watching), and she technically shouldn’t begin to show for another few weeks, but according to this helpful article, it seems as though we might just have some babies in there!!!  I mean really, if the lack of heat isn’t enough, her rounding belly (as well as her different rounded shape on the right vs. the left) and her new found affection for attention and scratches are wonderful signs 🙂

Of course, I would love to feel a baby (or two or three!) kick, but we have a couple of weeks still before that’s a real possibility.

Now, for your viewing pleasure, ass shots to show you a bit of what I’ve been seeing in her rounding belly:

December 20, 2015
Mama - rear view - 20Dec2015 (2)


February 21, 2016
Mama - Rear view - 21Feb2016 (2)


March 7, 2016
Mama - rear view - 7March2016

Oh man…I am so excited and so very hopeful!!!

Oh, please tell me your thoughts in the comments below!  Do you have experience with pregnant goats?  What do we absolutely need to know?  What do you think?  Do we have babies in there?  Shall we take a poll on how many are in there?

[yop_poll id=”5″]


I can’t wait to hear your thoughts…and see for myself in two short months!!! 🙂


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9 Comments on “Goat Pregnancy Watch! Day 86

  1. if it is her first time having a baby you may only get one but if she is spoiled with feed you may get 2 if its her first time… if she has had a baby/ies before she will most likely have 2, if she id spoiled with feed could be more… … if you do feed her grain make sure you are not over feeding her the last month for sure … the baby/ies may get too big and she could have trouble… i have had issues before …. on another note you want her sides to be close to the same… give her some baking soda it will help if she is bloated a little i hope this helps you a little or a bit of relief maybe

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! This is Mama’s second delivery. Her first was triplets and she was one of quintuplets! Nigerian Dwarfs are crazy with their multiples 😉 thanks for the reminder about grain! She gets just a little each evening and they always have baking soda in their water 🙂 we’re so excited and a bit nervous! One month and counting!!!

  2. That was thrilling. Unfortunately I am of no help with the questions you have but I am thrilled to know about Mama. I have been reading this space for quite some time and follow the small moments of your life closely. Though I have no experience or idea about homesteading nor do I understand anything about the amount of work that goes into it, I am still thrilled to hear about the possible new additions to your farm. Loads of love and luck, keep us updated! Cheers…

    1. I love that you are enjoying reading about our adventures (and stumbles) so much and am so happy you’re here 🙂 Thanks for sharing this journey with us! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  3. I think she looks like she’s got something in there! But I’ve also never spent time with a pregnant goat. You however are doing absolutely nothing to help my goat fever! I can’t wait for May!

    Now honey… about that goat barn…
    Jessie recently posted…Busted!My Profile

    1. Ha! Goat Fever really *is a thing! Good luck with your barn 😉

    1. Thank you, Pamela! Thrilled is the perfect word for it, no doubt 🙂

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