kidding season

7 articles

Mama’s Quadruplets

Quads! Can you believe it! Yes, last Thursday night (3/22), Mama Mello gave us quadruplets! The delivery was quite rough with them all twisted and tangled up in there, but everyone survived and is thriving! As I thought it might, it all started on Thursday afternoon when I realized Mama's pen tendons were gone. Ember helped me gather the Goat Box…
Seven Kids in 14 Hours

Seven Kids in 14 Hours

Whew...they say things come in waves...and in threes...and so, boy do I have a story for you! As the title alludes, we had seven kids born within 14 hours here this weekend...Saturday afternoon thru Sunday morning. Lucy started showing signs of labor late on Friday evening. Pawing a bit, begging for pets, and lying real still. Saturday morning brought us…

You’ve got to be kidding me!

Oh boy! Do I have a story to tell you!!! It's quite long, a full three chapters, so sit back, get comfy, and enjoy the ride :-) Spoiler Alert: It's mostly about baby goats, but there are a couple of other pieces of today's puzzle I'd like to share, too. 1 - Mama Delivered!!! Late last night, just as Kim,…

If we were having coffee…

If we were having coffee, I would give you a big bear hug and thank you for making the trek all the way out to our home! If you are a Mama, I'd wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!  (Though if you're not a Mama, it's OK, there are plenty of Mamas to go around on this property ;-)…

Oh Mama! (Kidding Prep)

T-Minus 10 days and counting, and I can't imagine how much bigger Mama might get between now and her sweet babies joining us! We've spent the month of April doing our best to pull everything together for the arrival of our very first kids (and births!) on the farm. We're nervous and excited, worried and trusting, exhausted and inspired. We've…

Goat Pregnancy Watch! Day 111

As you might recall, on Day 86 I wrote about our wonderings as to whether or not Mama was actually pregnant and finally deciding that yes, in fact, she must have at least two kids in there! Well, now that we're about a month out from her estimated/official Kidding Day (May 7th at 145 days), she's really starting to pop!…
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