

Oh boy…

I’ve really gone off the deep end now.

See, I’ve been toying with the idea of trying to post to this space consistently…like consistent…but haven’t made the commitment to myself (or to you), out of pure fear…

And, honestly, busy-ness…

All.the.time busy-ness!

See, I don’t like failure, so I will actually kick my own ass in the process of trying to complete tasks I’ve put before myself, even if I’m stretched beyond my comfort levels and playing on just-this-side of the Panic Zone…

So, sometimes I just won’t commit so I won’t fail.

(I know, I know.)

And yet, here I am, deciding to jump in and commit to posting in this space every single day for the next 30 (er 29) days with NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month).

I’ve even officially signed up here and here for both accountability and encouragement!

Now, it’s not like I don’t have plenty to write about…

In fact, I’ve written over 1,100 posts since I started this whole blogging journey back in February of 2011…

And, in present time, there’s the Weekend Coffee Share I just began but thoroughly enjoy…and the Changing Seasons post…and the potential goat breeding…and the turkey culling…and my favorite holiday of all, Thanksgiving…and my birthday to write about…

But it’s the other 20 days I worry about…

But I guess that’s why they call it a challenge, ha?

Now, the good thing is, there are no real rules, beyond posting every single day…

So some days may include a full on long form post, while other may be shorter snippets, while still others may be photo challenges.

Truth be told, this isn’t mapped out and I’m committing to wing it (equally as terrifying as the actual challenge itself for me right now)…

And yet…and yet…I’m very excited to give it a try and see how I do while getting to know other bloggers who are equally as brave (crazy) as I am.

And so, yes, if you’re counting, I have committed to two separate writing challenges (the first being this one) in just the last few days, and yet, I believe everything happens for a reason…

And I believe that if we’re not growing/changing/stretching/learning something new about ourselves and the world around us, then we might as well be dead.

And so it is.

I may not have a novel inside me as some writers do, but there are stories to be told that only I can tell…

And I’ll get them into this space one drop at a time, one day at a time, beginning right here, right now.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to go on this journey with me?


Now, do tell, are you participating in NaBloPoMo? Are you an Old Hat at this every day posting thing or a newbie like me? Are you as terrified (or excited) as I am?


(Visited 48 times, 1 visits today)
Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Judith

    As a restless gardener, currently living in the centre of a densely populated city, I’ve been enjoying the fresh air and seasonal challenges of your blog. You take great photos and write good prose too. Several of your recent posts have contained a week’s worth of photos, if you’d rationed them out a bit.

    I got into blogging earlier this year, as an outlet for spare creativity. My posts started off very wordy, with photos to illustrate the words. As my photos got better they started to take over and I found I could get over what I wanted to say with fewer words. I decided to post every day (more or less) but didn’t sign a pledge to that effect!

    It sounds as though you’ve got a lot on your plate but value the commitment that a regular challenge demands. Enjoy your photos, trust the words that matter and don’t panic! What’s the worst that could happen if you don’t post for a week?

    Best wishes, Judith

    1. Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

      Judith, thank you so much for your kind words and your insights! I enjoy taking photos immensely and am always happy to share them…and yes, I do tend to put several in one post as I want to convey the depth of the beauty of that particular day (or week), but I’ve been meaning to do less as a way to convey more and I’m hopeful this challenge will provide some practice in that 🙂 I’m happy to share this journey with you and look forward to reading your sharings. Have a fantastic week!

  2. Jessie

    I’m doing it too! I’ve also blogged for years, over a thousand posts, and every time I remind myself I said I’d do it thirty days in a row it’s still kind of terrifying. I’ve been assured it will also be fun. I’m pretty sure it will be… pretty sure…
    Jessie recently posted…I’m A Tiny Pepper!My Profile

    1. Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

      Oh yay! So glad I’m not alone on this first run! I’m sure it will be fun…and a challenge…and fun 😉 I look forward to seeing how you fill the space! Good luck and have a wonderful week!

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