Local Bite

Local Perspective – Local Food Ethics

Welcome to our final installment of the Local Perspective series! This series has been such an inspiration to me, as I hope it’s been for you!

Our final piece is brought to us by Tatiana of Mama Philosopher, who I hope you are all familiar with through her Books Worth Reading post that started us off in April and her beautiful explanation of her personal experiences in eating locally in May. Tatiana continues to blow me away with her honest reflections on her blog and through her gorgeous (and fun) photos she shares on Instagram.

In this post, Tatiana challenges us all to think intentionally about our food choices, our food ethics, and I appreciate her greatly for it!

Tatiana is also co-teaching the 4-week eCourse called, “Empowered Eating” which begins on August 25th. In her course (which is being co-led by Teri of Homestead Honey), participants will explore local food issues in a supportive online community, complete a personalized local food challenge, and learn to preserve the plant and animal products available in your region. Sounds right up our alley, right? You can learn all about the course here, and please hop around her blog a bit…there is so much inspiration in those pages, I promise you won’t be disappointed!



Ethical eating is thinking about the environmental and social effects of one’s food choices and making informed decisions based on those values. The first step is to put some thought into deeply held ideas of right and wrong. The next step is to test those values out in the world. Then return to step one. Repeat this process often.

Food involves economic, emotional, cultural, and health concerns, but ethics goes a step beyond these. Ethics is about letting the wellbeing of others (the environment, animals, farm workers, future generations) affect your food choices.

Farm Fresh Eggs

Here are a few ethical ideas that relate to Local Food:

Bioregionalism is loyalty to your local natural environment. This includes eating seasonally, wild crafting, and understanding what grows well in your region.

Healthy relationships are just as important as healthy food. Local food emphasizes building relationships with people involved in your local food system. The farmer’s market is a great place to get to know local food producers.

Environmentalism: Some food items that are locally available my not be produced in a way that is good for people or the planet. Ask about pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics, and use of genetically modified ingredients.

Educate yourself about the food you purchase and consume. Once you know things, share the info. Take the time to teach children, family, and friends the important lessons you are learning through your local food adventure.

There is no such thing as harmless eating, we are all caught up in a cycle of life and death, but there are better and worse choices one can make. There is no such things as a “perfect” diet, but keeping ethics in mind on your local food journey can help make the world a better place.

Tatiana AbatemarcoTatiana sees her life as a journey of rejecting perfectionism and finding peace in her life and work. She is passionate about mindfulness, women’s wisdom, and ecological lifestyles. Tatiana lives in the Adirondack Mountains of New York with her husband, Josh, and their two boys: Birch (5) and Bliss (4 months). She enjoys cooking with whole foods, knitting, getting lost in a good book, and being outside. You can find Tatiana on Facebook or twitter, or connect with her directly through her blog: mamaphilosopher.com.

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