• Bees & Pollinators

    Proposed Bee Ordinance

    Today I found out that one of our City Counselors is proposing this new bee ordinance that would require bee keepers to register their apiaries, get inspections and keep their hives 75 feet away from property lines (unless there are walls or fences at least 6 feet high to separate…

  • Uncategorized

    Potato Seeds and more seeds!

    We got our seed potatoes in the mail!!!  Last year we purchased our seed potatoes from one of those big home supply stores.  They did really well at first and then just died 🙁  Hopefully this years will survive! Now they just need to sprout their eyes… We plan on…

  • Uncategorized


    Today was a fairly busy day, in a calm sort of way.  I woke up before anyone else (even the dogs stayed in bed when I got up!) and decided to have my tea in the front yard.  I thought I could just relax, enjoy the sun, the tea and…

  • Harvest

    The first harvest of the spring!!!

    Yesterday morning was beautiful.  That was before the winds whipped up and coated the entire city in a gross, dusty haze (we really, really need some real rain).  Before the haze, though, I got some work done in the front yard (when you wake up at the crack of dawn…

  • Grow

    The Three Sisters

    Bandelier National Monument is a fantastically beautiful place (especially on a weekday in spring when there are not a trillion people mulling about) and has been “calling” me back for the past couple of years.  We finally made the short drive yesterday (the beauty of following the public schools calendar…

  • Uncategorized

    Which way is up?

    Alright, so in all of my searches for “how to plant peanuts” and “how to start peanuts inside” all I’ve found is “Plant seeds from shelled raw peanuts 1 to 3 inches deep”.  Well, I did that and I got this… About half of the peanuts have spouted right-side-up and…

  • Uncategorized

    The rise and fall of spring temps

    With the beautiful weather we’ve been having over the past few weeks, our fruit trees are starting to bloom.   They are gorgeous and full of hope and life!  They are also super sensitive little creatures that can wither and fall right off at a moments notice when the temperature…

  • Chickens - DIY

    The Chicken Mansion

    Here in Santa Fe, not only are we surrounded by our beautiful mountains and fantastic open spaces but we also have a rich culture and history, lots of conveniences and the wonderful ability to keep as many chickens as we’d like in our very own back yards! Well, with the…