See-Through Tomatoes?!?
  • August 10, 2011
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See-Through Tomatoes?!?

We have yet another garden mystery…
What on earth causes tomatoes to have almost see-through skin???

The skin itself feels super soft and I can actually feel the seeds underneath the skin!

Every other tomato on this plant look perfectly normal.  It’s just these two.  WEIRD!!!


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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Phoebe

    Hi, its a bit late now and I just found your blog but I’m pretty sure its sunburn! It happens to mine all the time on the hot summer days over 35 degrees Celsius!

  2. Bee Girl

    Thanks for the feedback, Phoebe!!! I did some investigating and read that tomatoes can get sunburn! So interesting! It makes sense though, not only because of the heat here, but because of our altitude!

  3. Beeks by the Lake

    It might be a lack of calcium. Watch and see if it turns black. Try adding a handful of egg shells in the ground around the transplant. That’s made all the difference with mine.

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