
70 articles
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Well, the past week has been full of tomatoes! 18 to be exact!  17 of those were Yellow Taxis and 1 was a Cherokee itty bitty Cherokee Purple.  While it was quite a pain to carry all those tomato starts in and out of the house for a couple of weeks in April and May, getting a…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Something very exciting happened this week!  We harvested our first three tomatoes!!!  Yep, you read that right...two Yellow Taxi Tomatoes and one cherry tomato!  Oh man!  I guess that starting those seeds under the grow lights in February really paid off :-)We also harvested our first dill, the last of the over-wintered carrots, and some more kale, peas,…
Thinning Seedlings

Thinning Seedlings

So, you've planted some seeds, nursed them into existence and now you're going to lop their heads off?!  Yep!!!  Alright, I know it's hard...I actually hate this process...but it's necessary in order to ensure that each of your plants has its best chance at producing some delicious harvests for you later this year.Now, how do you know which ones to lop off…
Tomato & Pepper Sprouts

Tomato & Pepper Sprouts

These little guys have popped up among a few of the seeds I've started in anticipation of warmer days...Yellow Taxi TomatoesGreen Bell PeppersSince I've gotten such an early start, right now I'm just putting a few seeds in pods every week or so (kind of as an experiment).  These guys will get thinned as soon as their first true leaves…
Seeds & Soon-To-Be-Sprouts

Seeds & Soon-To-Be-Sprouts

I may be getting a bit ahead of myself here, but I'm longing for spring and feeling like testing a few boundaries.  Since we have our grow lights in place, happily helping along our greens, some herbs and even a few bush beans, I figured it was worth a little experimentation in tomatoes and peppers as well. I planted 3…
Sweet, Sweet Jams

Sweet, Sweet Jams

One day, hopefully later this year, we will have a pantry that is stocked full with jars and jars of food that we have canned.  Oh how I swoon over pictures of pantries that have already accomplished this!  In the meantime, however, I am finding pride and joy in the few items that we have canned...including (but not limited to)…