
70 articles
Tomatoes and (butt) Rot

Tomatoes and (butt) Rot

Last night as I was doing my usual rounds in the garden, I noticed that our Pear Tomatoes were looking a little...well...not normal.  Their butts were all brown!  Tool Lady quickly looked it up and we decided it was probably being caused by a calcium deficiency in the soil.  Well, shit! So we ran to the store and grabbed the…
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

Round two of the snap peas is much smaller than Round One, but we already have a few flowers and one actual pea :-)The Blue Corn is coming along nicely!  This is my first year trying this fingers are officially crossed!All of the tomatoes I started from seed in one of our raised beds are turning into giants and…
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

Massive, over-wintered spinach (in one of the now uncovered wagons)The massive spinach is now starting to go to seed...finally!Baby spinach in a pot on the front porch to replace the massive spinach once I pull it all out :-)Here we have lettuce and arugula which was planted in the bed right outside the front door.  The lettuce is looking good,…


Today was a fairly busy day, in a calm sort of way.  I woke up before anyone else (even the dogs stayed in bed when I got up!) and decided to have my tea in the front yard.  I thought I could just relax, enjoy the sun, the tea and my current book (Stephen Kings Bag of Bones). No such…