Even though it’s only the beginning of March, I still feel a bit behind the curve in my seed starting because last year began so early. We still have at least 10 weeks until our official last freeze date, but I’ve found myself in a tizzy about getting some seeds…
Seed Saving
In my continued attempt to save seeds, I am grateful that the warm (hot) weather has helped the overwintered veggies complete their cycle as well provided the perfect environment for the peppers and tomatoes to ripen. Enter a few of my favorite little promise keepers (as in, there’s so much…
Every morning when I wake up (whether it be by the alarm or by the suns gentle rise behind the Sangres), I make myself a cup of black tea with milk & honey and take a little walk through the garden. I check for growth and blossoms, I harvest, I…
This is me, in all my gardening glory (hmmm…) holding up the biggest turnip-gone-to-seed-space-hog ever! Never did I think that one turnip would get so incredibly big! Well, not the actual turnip, but all the foliage that went along with it! Of all the seeds we’re attempting to save this…
Watermelon Seeds!
Alright, so maybe growing watermelon in the high desert isn’t the best idea, but they’re so incredibly good! There really is no proper substitute on a hot summer day! We’ve tried to grow watermelon a couple of times with no luck. I think it might have been a mixture of…
Going to Seed
As the days continue to get longer and (abnormally) warmer, our over-wintered veggies have been bolting quite quickly this spring. In the interest of saving as many seeds as possible, I’ve left a few plants in the beds to continue their cycle and have been enjoying the show they put…
Fallen Seedlings
I’ve been hardening off a lot of my seedlings over the last several days and then bringing them in the house at night so they don’t get too cold. They’ve been doing really great…no wilting or burning, no falling over in the wind…awesome! This is until yesterday. Yesterday I came…
A couple of weeks ago I posted about the all paper seed pods I was experimenting with. While they’ve worked out just fine, I’ve adapted my process a bit and am now using both toilet paper rolls and newspaper. The toilet paper rolls offer just a bit more support than…