
31 articles
Seed Gifts

Seed Gifts

Anyone who knows me, even just a little, probably knows that I absolutely love seeds!  Well, I've now received 3 separate envelopes of seeds in the mail and I'm just beside myself with excitement!  I know, I know, it's going to be MONTHS before I can plant any of them, but that's beside the point!  The point is, they exist…
Seed Saving

Seed Saving

Can you believe it?  Yep, I'm still saving seeds!  This batch, added to the last batch, gives me a total of 22 different seeds saved so far this year!From Organic veggies planted and harvested from our yard we have butternut squash (grown form seeds grown in 2010, grown from seeds in 2009!!!), sweet red cherry tomatoes, green bell peppers and…
Seed Saving

Seed Saving

If you read this blog, you probably know that I absolutely love seeds and you also know that I probably spend way too much money on seeds.  Tool Lady is always shaking her head at me, telling me that we don't need so many seeds!  So, this year it's been one of my goals to save as many seeds as…
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

Our Lemon Cucumbers are producing...lots!Bell Peppers and Jalapenos, playing nice.A glimpse into the jungle of the tomato bedMixed lettuce seed, saved!Happy Gardening!!!What is making you happy in your garden this week?
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

The beginnings of a jalapeno!This bed is 4 feet wide & the fence behind it is 6 feet tall.  This means, officially, that our tomatoes are out of control.Buddha hanging out with the blue corn .How can something so green bring one so much happiness???Bush snap peaAnother bush snap pea (flower).  They're just so pretty!The first sunflower!!!!!Lettuce figuring out how…
Seed to Seed

Seed to Seed

A few months ago I decided to take the four season garden challenge hosted by Melinda over at One Green Generation.  The challenge is all about growing at least one new item in your yard each season. While some of the crops I mentioned in the initial posting about this challenge have failed (peanuts and echinacea) due to the incredibly hot and dry spring…