• In the Garden

    The Spring Rains

    The Spring rains have arrived and with them comes a bursting forth from the land. We got all the seeds in the ground early this year, earlier than we ever have before for this high desert climate, risking a late deep freeze in trade for the potential of three extra…

  • Everything Else - Grow

    2014 Seed Inventory & Order

    It’s time for a serious seed inventory. Here’s the deal…the last few years have been full of gathering as many seeds as possible from ever location possible.  No joke.  If they were on sale or looked pretty or at a garage sale or seed savers exchange HooRah, I was going…

  • Uncategorized

    2013 Seeds & Plans

    To be completely honest, buying seeds each spring is both exciting and a little stressful.  I struggle every single year with what exactly to put in the garden and how it will all fit.  At the height of summer, I tend to find myself feeling incredibly proud and excited by…

  • Uncategorized

    Seed Starting

    Even though it’s only the beginning of March, I still feel a bit behind the curve in my seed starting because last year began so early.  We still have at least 10 weeks until our official last freeze date, but I’ve found myself in a tizzy about getting some seeds…