Oh HI! How the heck are you? It’s been a few minutes… errrr… months 😉 You know, when I mentioned in my last post that I was allowing myself some space and time to rest during the Winter months, I truly didn’t intend to be gone from this space for…
When Kitty set her clutch in January, I thought she was a bit off her rocker… But I rolled with it and let her do her thing, trusting her instincts over my human worry. When she hatched out nine of 15 eggs I thought that seemed about right given the…
Two days ago, while doing the morning chores, it was discovered that we’d lost a duck to a predator. Feathers everywhere under The Grandmother Tree, a limp body in the acequia, scared siblings, and a missing momma. We were in a rush to leave the property with a sick toddler in…
Who knew that Muscovy Ducks would become some of my very favorite critters on the farm?! Don’t get me wrong, I have a deep affinity for the chickens and goats and turkeys and barn kitties and dogs, too! But the ducks just have me feeling all warm and fuzzy these…
All grown up and completely gorgeous, our Muscovy ducklings are no longer ducklings! Instead, they’re trying to fly all over the garden and eating us out of house and home with their love of and obsession for chicken scratch as a snack! So, I’ve been joking on social media that…
Oh boy! Do I have a story to tell you!!! It’s quite long, a full three chapters, so sit back, get comfy, and enjoy the ride 🙂 Spoiler Alert: It’s mostly about baby goats, but there are a couple of other pieces of today’s puzzle I’d like to share, too.…
The ducklings had their first peek at sunshine today! Not only is Kitty giving them just a bit more breathing room, but she actually got off her clutch for a few minutes! Of course, I didn’t have my camera on me when that happened, but it was glorious none-the-less! The…
Mama Mello might still be holding those kids of hers hostage, but Kitty has “delivered” her ducklings to us right on time! Today marks day 35 since Kitty sat on her clutch, and in perfect form, all those ducklings she’s been caring for so diligently began hatching early this morning! Now, she’s…