Muscovy ducks

12 articles
New Life

New Life

The ducklings had their first peek at sunshine today! Not only is Kitty giving them just a bit more breathing room, but she actually got off her clutch for a few minutes! Of course, I didn't have my camera on me when that happened, but it was glorious none-the-less! The sweet little fluff balls are starting to push out from…


Mama Mello might still be holding those kids of hers hostage, but Kitty has "delivered" her ducklings to us right on time! Today marks day 35 since Kitty sat on her clutch, and in perfect form, all those ducklings she's been caring for so diligently began hatching early this morning! Now, she's guarding them well, holding them close under her warm belly…

The Feathered Nest

Eggs... Feathers... Down... And...we're off! Well, Kitty isn't sitting on them yet, but we officially have the beginnings of a clutch!!! #ducks #duckeggs A photo posted by Melissa (@evergrowingfarm) on Mar 24, 2016 at 7:08pm PDT We're up to nine!!! So the big question long do the eggs stay viable between being laid and her beginning to sit on…
I’d like to formally introduce you to…

I’d like to formally introduce you to…

Red & Kitty :-) Since we've officially decided to keep our two Muscovy ducks as a mating pair into the foreseeable future, we have decided to give them names! (You know, unlike all of our other poultry that don't get names because they have a greater potential to become dinner either by intention or necessity.) And, so, in keeping with the…

The first duck egg!

I kid you not... Less than 24 hours after bringing home our ducks, we were gifted with our very first duck egg! I guess our pair is settling in nicely and enjoying their new digs just fine :-) We were all so surprised and so excited about it that we headed straight inside to cook it up and see how…


Because we don't have enough to do already... Because Kim is the Queen of Craigslist.. Because the bugs here are insane... Because we're always up for learning about something new... Because sometimes the turn around time from idea to research to implementation is quite quick here... Because we enjoy challenging ourselves... And because we can... We have welcomed two Muscovy…
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