Tag: Harvest Monday

  • Harvest Monday

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! We’ve got some more greens to report this week!  Enough to actually make a couple of small salads!  I checked on our wagons again and things are looking steadily better, I even poked my finger around a few carrots and they seem to be sizing up nicely 🙂  I restrained myself from…

  • Harvest Monday

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! I’ve been checking on (and watering) our hoop houses/wagons about once a week.  Their growth is slow and not very exciting, so I don’t usually bother during the week, just on the weekends.  The short days are also a factor and I don’t ever want to let the heat out of them…

  • Harvest Monday

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day everyone! This weeks harvest includes more greens from under our grow lights, a bit of spinach from our hoop houses/wagons and a little extra bonus! Yep…you guessed it…our chickens have begun laying eggs again.  I mean, really laying eggs…not the whole one every few days bit we’ve been struggling…

  • Harvest Monday

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday & Happy 2012, everyone! This weeks harvest was the last harvest of 2011 and was a tiny one, but a harvest none-the-less 🙂   Again, we have greens!  Enough greens for three good sized salads! I am especially grateful for our grow lights these days given the state of our Wagons/hoop houses.  Everything…

  • Harvest Monday

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! I’ve been MIA in this space for a bit due to the fact that there have been no harvests to post about.  Trust me, I’ve been very sad about it!  However, this week I actually have a harvest to celebrate! Yep, we’ve made it back into another green season!  These mixed greens…

  • Harvest & Macro Monday

    Harvest & Macro Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! The past two weeks have been full of a whole lot of nothing much…in the garden, at least…there is busy-ness happening everywhere but there!  There’s lots trying to grow, but not much ready for harvesting.  The lettuce in the ground froze completely over the past week with our below zero temperatures at…