A few years ago, after years without a Roo, we added a beautiful Jersey Giant Roo to our mixed flock. Rosco is the sweetest boy and a good sire and we are so very grateful for our closed loop. He and a handful of our hens have gone rogue and…
When we first moved onto the property we are caretaking (way back in 2018!), I didn’t put in perennials beyond an herb garden because we were looking at a three-year agreement and it didn’t makes sense to my short-term thinking at the time. Well, Present Me is now kicking Past…
Pruning last year’s growthTo make space for focused energyAnd the potential for future abundanceUnder unseasonably warm skies Snip, drop, stepSnip, drop, step Gather up the fallen partsPut them in a pileAnd feed them through the chipperSo they can nurture future growth There’s a metaphor in there somewhere. Everyone is talking…
January must have been the longest year ever, don’t you think? All kidding aside, I’m glad for the turning of a page, even if it’s just a page in the 2025 calendar. January brought us our coldest night yet (-19*), lots of frozen water alongside a bit of wood chopping,…
What a time to be alive, no? A time full of opportunity and growth coupled with division and fear and so much more. Truly, I am so tired of all the “unprecedented times’, but the ball just keeps rolling, doesn’t it? I don’t have a magic pill to pull any…
It’s hard to believe we’re back in this liminal space again already… Sitting on the threshold of a new year… While reflecting on so.many.happenings of this year. And yet, here we are. Working on and with the land is always full of lessons and unexpected experiences and 2024 was no…
Since beginning to work with and on the land all those years ago I’ve come to look at August as The Month From Hell. Everything happens at once and the weeds are out of control and it’s so freakin’ hot and I’m just so very tired and there’s so damned…
Years ago, while I was still working in support of local agriculture and not a full-time farmer myself yet, I had many profound and insightful conversations with a wide diversity of Farmers at every Market, but one conversation has come back to me over and over again and came to…