Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Small (as in teeny tiny) harvests are still harvests right? Yeah...it's that time of year again!  But hey, at least there's some color involved, right? ;-)Harvest totals for the week:Mint = 2 ozRadishes (Easter Egg) = 5 ozStrawberries = 2 ozTomatoes (2 Yellow Taxi) = 7 ozEggs = 75 Hope you have a wonderful day!Happy harvesting!xoxoMLinking up to Harvest Monday…
Alright, it’s Time to Make a (Meal) Plan!

Alright, it’s Time to Make a (Meal) Plan!

Meal Planning has always been one of those things that we are really good at for a while, but then tend to slip up and get really bad at it for a while (read; eat out often and spend ridiculous amounts of money on random food items) before getting organized and smart about it all again.  It's a nasty, silly,…
Broody No More?

Broody No More?

After several weeks of battling our broody Australorp and about a week and a half in solitary confinement, I think we're in the clear!The laying of eggs (being a telltale sign that a chicken has forgotten her broodiness) began about a week ago.  After a few days and a few more eggs, we decided to move our latest Broody back…

Reuniting Kids w/ Nature – Caterpillars to Butterflies

MATERIALS: Everything you need for this activity can be ordered directly from: The Butterfly & Nature Gift Store TIME FRAME:  Four weeks PROCEDURE: Order your caterpillars! If you do not already have a Butterfly House, order one of those, too (it can be re-used over and over)! Wait patiently for them arrive. Follow all of the directions that come with…
2013 Kitchen Garden & Coop Tour

2013 Kitchen Garden & Coop Tour

Earlier this year we were nominated by an old friend for the Homegrown New Mexico Kitchen Garden & Coop Tour which has been held each summer for the past few years.After a few emails, a visit/walk-through and a bit of waiting we were notified that we had been accepted into this years tour!  We are so incredibly excited (and honestly,…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!Looking back on last years June harvests, I'm feeling more than a little behind.  I am , however, trying to keep in mind that weather is a mysterious thing.Last year we had a mild winter and a very warm spring which led to early germination, happy transplants and many early harvests (you can read a little about the…