Broody Australorp

Broody Australorp

Well, it looks like Spring brings broody chickens.   A few weeks ago, one of our Black Australorps went broody on us. She even plucked her  belly feathers to help incubate her unfertilized eggs.  Luckily, she's been much more docile than our broody Ameraucana last spring and there have been no attacks or bloody toes!  We've removed her from the…
Brick Shuffling

Brick Shuffling

Thirty years ago my family moved onto a piece of property owned by a man that my little brother would later be named after.  My dad is a wood worker, the man was a contractor and, despite their great age difference, they made a connection.  The house that I grew up in holds most of my childhood memories including playing…
Fire Season

Fire Season

5/31/13 - 1:00 PM - Tres Lagunas Fire5/31/13 - 6:00 PM - Tres Lagunas Fire5/31/13 - 7:30 PM Smokey sunset - Thompson FireIt's the last day of May and fire season is already upon us.  Two fires in two days.  One is at 2,000 acres, the other at "only" ~20.With years of drought at our doorstep, I fear that this…
{this moment}

{this moment}

{this moment inspired by Soule Mama}  If you're inspired to do the same, please leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all of us to find and see.xoxo,MEnjoy this space?  Please vote for me by simply clicking here. Thank you!  
The Door Swings Out!

The Door Swings Out!

A couple of days ago, when I wrote about all the work Tool Lady did on the chicken coop, I completely forgot to mention the most exciting upgrade to the whole darn coop! Ever since we built the Chicken Mansion, my biggest frustration has been having to push and shove my way into the coop every time I had to…

Reuniting Kids w/ Nature – Owl Pellets

MATERIALS:  Owl Pellets can be ordered ahead of time through Pellet Lab .  These pellets will have already been treated, so you won’t have to worry about the germs, pests or stink that can come with the pellets you find in the wild. You can also use tweezers, bamboo sticks or toothpicks, a magnifying glass, plastic gloves (optional) and a…