Where Does Your Food Come From?

I've seen this video in a couple of different places recently, including on Allison's blog, and finally decided it was time to post it here.  It's just too good to not share :-)Though the focus is on Canadian Agriculture, we face similar issues here in the U.S.  Knowledge is power, and it's the small steps that will get us where we need…
Photo Project…

Photo Project…

So, I found this cool blog that makes me happy and have decided to jump on the 2011 Color Photography Challenge bandwagon, even though 2011 is almost over...Better late than never, right?! The idea is to go with the color of the month (October's color is orange), take as many (or as few) photos as you like and then post them :-)…
Buffalo Stew

Buffalo Stew

What do you get when you take carrots and potatoes from the garden, onions, a bit of buffalo stew meat and some beef stock? The best stew ever!  Well...at least one of the best stews ever ;-)Unfortunately, as happens most days, we didn't do any measurements on anything...just browned the buffalo and onions while we chopped up the rest, put…
{this moment}

{this moment}

{this moment inspired by Soule Mama} -A Friday ritual.  A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week.A simple, special, extraordinary moment.A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Preparing the Chickens for Hibernation

Preparing the Chickens for Hibernation

It's only a matter of time until the ground is frozen over, all the green is gone and covered by a blanket of white.  I enjoy winter.  I really do.  I just wish it wasn't 3 months long. I could be happy with just Spring, Summer and Fall...you? Right now, it's beautiful outside and it's not even freezing at night…
Homemade Ravioli

Homemade Ravioli

Ravioli is one of those foods that I have always loved, but rarely eat because it is so freakin' expensive to buy!  Luckily for me, Tool Lady decided several months ago to try out making it at home.  We've experimented with a few different recipes and are experimenting still, but one thing's for sure, homemade ravioli is not only cheaper…