Apple Spice Drops

Apple Spice Drops

In my early twenties, I went through a period of time in which I felt it necessary to accumulate as many books as possible.  Poetry, recipes, novels, you name it, I probably had it.  I joined pretty much every book club out there and spent ridiculous amounts of money on said books.  Of all those books, I only have a…
DIY – Grow Light Stand

DIY – Grow Light Stand

Happy (early) Birthday to me!!!On Sunday, Tool Lady built me a surprise!  A Grow Light Stand!!!  She got the plans from, made all the cuts in the garage, brought it into the Living Room to put together (she likes to watch TV while she's building things) and the whole time I could NOT figure out what she was making! For…

DIY – Grow Light Stand

Happy (early) Birthday to me!!! On Sunday, Tool Lady built me a surprise!  A Grow Light Stand!!!  She got the plans from, made all the cuts in the garage, brought it into the Living Room to put together (she likes to watch TV while she's building things) and the whole time I could NOT figure out what she was making!…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!The harvests are slow and low these days, but they're still coming in!  I've only been opening up our Wagons about once a week to check on them and water them, but they're looking good!  I need to figure out how to successfully succession sow my veggies, since these almost-dry spells are torturous, but I'll get it down!…
The Chickens are Molting!?! Now What?

The Chickens are Molting!?! Now What?

Why the heck are my chickens losing all their feathers and not producing eggs!?!?  Are they sick?  Pissed?  Dying?  Hungry?  Revolting against the colder temperatures?  WTF?! Wait, they're what?  Molting?  What the heck is molting and why is it happening while I'm tracking egg production vs. the cost of their feed? After a little research (the internet is truly an…
{this moment}

{this moment}

 A Friday ritual.  A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week.A simple, special, extraordinary moment.A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.{this moment inspired by Soule Mama} If you feel inspired to share your moment, please leave a link to your moment in the comments below for all to see.