The Flowering Carrot

The Flowering Carrot

I think this is what hooks one to gardening: it is the closest one can come to being present at creation.~Phyllis TherouxWishing you all a lovely weekend full of creation!
1950s Singer Sewing Machine

1950s Singer Sewing Machine

I'm sure I've mentioned before that I work at a non-profit that serves girls from age 5 to 15 through after school and summer camp programs.  Because we are a non-profit, people are constantly donating items to us that they think might be "good" or "fun" or "useful" for the girls.  Sometimes the items are all those things and sometimes…
Tiny Trees

Tiny Trees

A good friend of mine celebrated a birthday recently, and given her love of trees, I decided to paint her a tiny tree to wear around her neck ;-)Yes, that means I'm painting again!  I haven't painted in a while and have had a myriad of excuses (school, work, the garden...yada yada yada)...but they are no more!  Re-inspired and enjoying a little "extra"…
Peanut Butter & Honey Popcorn

Peanut Butter & Honey Popcorn

It is as delicious as it looks and sounds and is super easy!  Scoop some honey and some peanut butter (there is no measuring, just do it) into a pot and heat over a low flame on the stove for a few minutes while your popcorn pops (we love our air popper). Then, simply drizzle your warm peanut butter and…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Well, the past week has been full of tomatoes! 18 to be exact!  17 of those were Yellow Taxis and 1 was a Cherokee itty bitty Cherokee Purple.  While it was quite a pain to carry all those tomato starts in and out of the house for a couple of weeks in April and May, getting a…


This project, with it's beautiful colors and good intentions, is way overdue.  The baby for whom it is intended came early, and I am running behind...way behind...There's another blanket in my heart that is calling to be crocheted for another baby that came early as well.  But first I will complete this one, with love and care, for the sweet…