Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!!!The past week was an incredibly busy and quite exhausting one...but I don't think I really realized how crazy it was until I looked back on my harvest photos and found...one.  Ah well, such is life sometimes!The good news is, we harvested our first bush beans and zucchini of the season, the cherry tomatoes are starting to trickle…
Heart Shaped Spots

Heart Shaped Spots

A friend of mine found this little Sweet-Heart at work a couple of days ago...Love really is all around.
Drought & Climate Change

Drought & Climate Change

I've been hearing bits and pieces on the news all week about record breaking temps and climate change, but none of it really hit home until I saw this graphic.  That's a lot of drought.SourceOur garden is gorgeous this year (tall, lush, heavily producing) for a couple of reasons...care and attention, drip irrigation, tons and tons of mulch (in the form of straw)…
Echinacea Spider

Echinacea Spider

While photographing our first echinacea, a caught a glimpse of the tiniest little legs ever...As I moved from left to right, squatted and stood up, played with macro and good ol' zoom, this little lady slowly moved from the top of her petal to the bottom of her petal in a continued attempt to escape my gaze...  Needless to say, it…
Sweet Corn & Honey Bees

Sweet Corn & Honey Bees

While on my morning stroll through the garden a couple of days ago, I noticed that our small patch of sweet corn in the front yard was completely covered in bees.  I spent a long time admiring the beautiful dance the bees were doing among the flowers and leaves and found myself very inspired by (and grateful for) the simple/magical/beautiful/so-very-important…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Thankfully, the past week finally brought us some much needed rain!  Not only has it helped to calm our spirits a bit, but the garden has loved the respite form the heat as well as the moisture from the skies.  Rain water must have some magic in it because it affects our veggies unlike any water we get…