• Goats

    Milking Mama

    Mama Mello is a pain in the ass on the milking stand. I don’t mean a little persnickety, or tough to get up on the stand, I mean kicking, screaming, falling down on purpose, ridiculousness. If my Homesteading Dreams weren’t so tightly wrapped up in her I might give up…

  • Everything Else

    Let go…

    “This Autumn, let something die. A worry, a relationship, a project that has run its course. Let go of anxiety over the future. Let go of guilt. Let go of other people’s dreams for you. Let go of the fear that happiness or success or love or joyousness somehow isn’t…

  • LGDs

    Fluffy Beast

    This girl, man…I love her to death and she drives me a bit batty on an almost daily basis. Her intuition is strong and vibrant and therein lies the rub 😉 There are nights when I feel like a crazy person because she barks and barks and I can’t figure out…

  • Everything Else - Photography


    We could stand to get some moisture (there’s an unbelievable amount of dryness and dust beneath all of the goregousness) but I’ll wait just a bit longer so as to hold on to the grace that is the property as the sunlight washes over and dances upon every visible surface…

  • Everything Else

    Red Delicious Apples

    There’s a gorgeous old apple tree on the property that is incredibly prolific and massive in size.  It maintains its green leaves and produces good sized apples much later in the season than the other trees and is home to the gorgeous Nuthatch bird I asked for your help identifying earlier this…

  • Goats

    Deep Gratitude

    We spent some very intentional time with The Boys over the last few days…watching them, playing with them, feeding them grain…thanking them. Thanking them for their lessons… For their beauty… For their grace. Thanking them for stepping into our lives and showing us another piece of ourselves in this grand…