2017 Kitchen Garden Planting List

I mentioned in my last post that, despite our challenges in the Kitchen Garden last year, we've decided to move forward with planting it out again this year. We will, however, be simplifying things just a bit. The Plan Get Organized With my two nifty new photo-turned-seed organizers all filled up with fully organized and inventoried seeds, I'm feeling incredibly…

Shown, Unshown – February 2017

Shown Our newest member of the family has officially been named! Though it took us a full two weeks, calling out for suggestions, and so much discussion, we finally settled on the name Arco.  His full, official name is Arcoiris, meaning rainbow.  He's falling in nicely with everyone except Mr. who still isn't quite sure how he feels about having another boy…

2017 Kitchen Garden Plans – Three Sisters

At the end of the season last year I was 98% sure we wouldn't plant a kitchen garden at all this year. This decision was two-fold: We'd had our asses handed to us throughout the season and With my new job working alongside the Farmers' Market, I had fresh produce available for the purchasing multiple times a week But as…

Just for Fun – Slow Motion Chicken Antics Video

I was given some apples yesterday by one of our local farmers which made the chickens so incredibly happy! Apples!!! In February?! WooHoo!!! While taking some shots for Instagram, I became enthralled with their behaviors and decided to take a slow motion video to try to capture some of their mannerisms in a way that could be looked at a…

On My Sixth Blogiversary

Today marks, officially, my sixth Blogiversary. Six years of writing in this space. Six years of documenting the ups and downs, ins and outs of all things urban farming first, and rural homesteading/hobby farming second... In 1,230 published posts (including this one)! Whew! And so, I'm obviously spending a bit of time reflecting today on the evolution of this space…


We purchased a defective incubator and I am so heartbroken about it. Two days ago I shared my excitement around the two incubation processes happening on the farm and how the conversations around these processes with Ember have evolved. Two nights ago our incubator started losing temp rapidly. We googled what could be happening and reread the manual and finally…