I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about Ember’s ability to mentally process the fact that some eggs are for eating and some eggs are for hatching and what that really means for all eggs. At three, she’s developmentally at a point in which she questions everything, which is both…
Kim and I have talked, at length, about getting another Great Pyrenees puppy. Really, since before we even brought Akuna onto the farm, having two Great Pyrenees LGDs has always been part of the conversation. In the whirlwind that has been our lives over the past two years, though, it…
We all know the old saying, right? Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. And so, we’ve got 43 eggs cooking in our brand new incubator (as of last night) and are super curious to see how many actually hatch 🙂 Twenty days and counting! Also, if they all hatch…
I finally got some good photos of Kitty’s clutch of 12 eggs and wanted to share them with you here! Such a good, protective mama she is, and all settled into Ricky’s shelter where she’ll wait patiently for her ducklings to grow and hatch. Because last weekend was so warm,…
Shown I do believe Mama is officially pregnant!  How do I know without a blood test or an ultrasound? She’s asking for love and letting me pet her again, with a passion 🙂  She is usually very aloof, but we learned last year that this changes dramatically when she’s pregnant.…
Two days ago, while doing the morning chores, it was discovered that we’d lost a duck to a predator. Feathers everywhere under The Grandmother Tree, a limp body in the acequia, scared siblings, and a missing momma. We were in a rush to leave the property with a sick toddler in…
I spent a good portion of the weekend making two batches of citrus Marmalade. . . Grapefruit Marmalade and Meyer Lemon Marmalade. . . And I couldn’t be happier for it! See, it was quite serendipitous that Angi was offering some of her excess (completely delicious and organic) Meyer Lemons…
If we were having coffee… I’d greet you with a big fat hug (if you’re amenable to those) and tell you how happy I am to see you! Â Though we don’t see each other often enough, it’s always such a treat to share a cuppa with you! I’d thank you…