Next Saturday is technically Acequia Clean Up Day, but with help at hand today (brother and daughter), we decided to clean out our portion of the acequia this weekend rather than waiting. There were leaves to be raked and moved to the garden and mole hill remnants to be shoveled out……
With two full months to go before our guaranteed last frost date, I’ve found myself incredibly torn by the pure beauty of these apricot blossoms (tickling my already antsy Spring Fever) and the acknowledgement that, unless we have a phenomenally warm spring with no frosts or freezes, these gorgeous flowers this early…
Yes, it is early. Yes, this is all part of my plan to succession sow our way to Garden Abundance in 2016. Yes, these are tomato sprouts (though I’ve also started a few peppers, eggplants, and tomatillos as well). Yes, these babies will require much TLC and up-potting before they…
I think I may have mentioned before that my oldest daughter works for a nursery and so has phenomenal access to many, many “damaged out” seeds at the end of each season (which really only means that they’re a tiny bit old-like, last season, and the company doesn’t want the…
October marks, for me, the official beginning of Fall. The slide from warm days and comfortable evenings quickly gives way to bipolar weather patterns (hot, toasty days followed by very cold nights…torrential downpours with hail and flooding, followed by crispy dry weeks on end) and, inevitably, the first fire of…
We finally got the garlic in the ground yesterday and I can’t tell you how relieved I am because planting garlic is one of those little things that brings me so much comfort and so much joy. Maybe it’s the act of putting something in the not-yet-frozen earth knowing full…
I may not be ready, but I don’t have a choice. Temperatures are set to dip drastically for the next few days and nights and I don’t quite think my PJs and sweatshirts are going to cut it anymore for keeping me warm during the morning chores. Oh well, there are…
We harvested the last of the summer veggies today before tearing up the garden in preparation for sowing some cover crops, spreading some compost, manure, and mulch and officially calling it all “done” for the year. We harvested a few tomatoes (both ripe and green), a bouquet of basil (that…