Chickens are dirty birds. They poop everywhere and then they kick their poop everywhere else while scratching around for food and bugs. We probably don’t clean out their coop as often as we could (I’ve read that some people clean out their coops every single week while we do…
When you keep chickens, you have to take care of them. You have to water them, clean out their coop, feed them and collect their eggs. You can also ooohhh and aaahhh over the chick cuteness, pick them up, pet them, give them treats and laugh at their antics, but…
It’s official! Our Newbies are laying!!! Yesterday we got 6 eggs from 7 chickens!!! We are so incredibly excited!!! The one downside to this whole thing is that one of our Newbies hasn’t figured out that you need to leave the Originals alone when they’re trying to lay. It’s not…
We finally finished the roofing on the Chicken Mansion!!! If you remember, we built the massive mansion a couple of months ago thinking that it was almost complete. As time has passed, it has become apparent that it needed some roofing so as to avoid wet chickens through the (as…
Warning: This post may contain photos that could be offensive or shocking to readers. Please do not read this post if you are squeamish or have issues with the slaughtering of chickens. You have been (officially) warned. Alrighty then, now that that’s out of the way…if you’re still reading this,…
With the temperature continuing to rise, I have just a little PSA for you: If you’re hot, your chickens are probably hot, too! Give ’em some watermelon to munch on, throw some ice cubes in their water, make sure they have some shade. They’ll be happier for it and so…
We’ve been wondering for months now if Prim is a rooster so let’s look at the facts: She was a bully as a baby, but sometimes babies can just be bullies. She has continued to be a bully as an adolescent, but we all know how teenagers can be. Her…
Alright, here’s Part Three…the back yard… When we moved in four years ago, it was literally just rocks and one single tree… Mr. was happy to have a yard, but looked pretty confused about the emptiness of it all… Rocks, rocks & more rocks Oh look! You can see the…