
314 articles

Possible Goat Milking Gig

Last weekend, while browsing Craigslist, Tool Lady found a posting titled "Goat Milking Gig".  So, she asked if it sounded like a good idea, and of course, I said yes!  After a few emails and phone calls, it was decided that we should meet, check each other out, check the set up out and get a little tutorial on goat…
El Rancho de las Golondrinas

El Rancho de las Golondrinas

BIG (unrelated to garden) NEWS!I am now, as of last Monday, officially a Big Sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters!  :-)Usually when being "matched" with a Little through Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), a Big & Little match is set up by the staff at BBBS using the information obtained in your interviews based on interests and similarities expressed by…
The Business of Art

The Business of Art

Art, until about a year ago, was always one of those things that I'd done from time to time for fun.  Not anything I did to earn money or to really put out into the world.  Then, about a year ago, I decided to make a go of it. It's terrifying to work hard to create something beautiful, and then…
Canning Hatch Chile

Canning Hatch Chile

Hatch chile is a staple here.  We eat it on and with everything (burgers and pizza included).  It is full of vitamins and minerals and makes for the perfect of comfort foods.  When ordering it on your food, you'll always be asked, "Red, Green or Christmas?"  "Christmas" means having both red and green sharing your plate.  I have always preferred…
How Many Apples Does It Take…

How Many Apples Does It Take… drive a woman crazy?Apparently the answer is 150 pounds because that's what we harvested last Friday evening and, at this point, I'm feeling a bit crazy about the process of processing 150 pounds of delicious (unforgiving) apples.Let's go back a bit and explain how we acquired so many apples...I have a friend named Madonna (yes, that's her given name…
Garage Organization, cont.

Garage Organization, cont.

Believe it or not, we are still working on the big garage organization project we started...ummm...I don't know...months ago!  Yes, the shelves have been built, but there is still some clutter and there are still a couple of walls that need to be painted.  However, one of the more exciting projects is the shelf Tool Lady has created that has…