Happy Independence days everyone! Here are this weeks accomplishments… Plant something: 1 flat of greens (Sassy Salad, Micro Greens & Spinach) Yellow Taxi Tomatoes Cherokee Purple Tomatoes Roma Tomatoes Brandywine Tomatoes I’ve got visions of tomatoes dancing in my head… Harvest something: 1 oz mixed greens 15 eggs Preserve something: …
Our new chicks are in and are officially the cutest little ladies ever! I’ll post more about how we plan to build a new brooder and expand the chicken run to accommodate our 9 new cuties (3 Ameraucanas, 3 Australorps & 3 Buff Orpingtons) , but for now, let’s just enjoy the…
So, last week our chickens decided to lay their eggs not in their cozy nesting boxes, but in the back corner of their coop, right under their roost. The problem with this? Well, it is the only part of the coop that is not easily accessible to us without a…
A couple of days ago, Tool Lady heard about Pickled Red Beet Eggs from a volunteer at work. He stated that they were one of his favorites, and since he’s been such an awesome volunteer, we decided we should try to make some for him. After several Google searches we…
One day, hopefully later this year, we will have a pantry that is stocked full with jars and jars of food that we have canned. Oh how I swoon over pictures of pantries that have already accomplished this! In the meantime, however, I am finding pride and joy in the…
When we first set up our grow lights, we planted a few flats of greens, sprouts, micro greens and wheat grass just to see what would happen. Well, it’s actually been really great! We’ve harvested enough for several meals (salads and greens for sandwiches) and have juiced wheat grass several…
We recently discovered that some of our garlic was starting to sprout, so we decided to try our hand at making our very own Garlic Powder. We pulled three heads of garlic, broke up their cloves and took their skins off. Then we sliced them up and put them in…
We got a pressure canner!!! It wasn’t planned for, but sometimes (most of the time) it’s better that way! Since 2011 marked our first experiences with water bath canning, I’m super excited to add pressure canning to my list of things to learn more about in 2012! So far, so…