
314 articles
"Survival Kit" Gift DIY

"Survival Kit" Gift DIY

As the Program Manager for a very intentional, very busy Summer Camp, I am constantly looking for new ways to show our Facilitators how much we appreciate all of the work they do with our campers.  Luckily, we have established a few "old stand-bys" that seem to find their way into the fold each year regardless of what else gets…
Chicken Feed & Egg Sales

Chicken Feed & Egg Sales

One of the details we didn't really think through when we first got our laying hens a few years ago was what they would eat, how much it would really cost and whether or not we would always have the option of organic chicken feed for the Ladies.  Luckily, our local Feed Bin carries Ranch Way products and luckily, Ranch…
Broody Australorp

Broody Australorp

Well, it looks like Spring brings broody chickens.   A few weeks ago, one of our Black Australorps went broody on us. She even plucked her  belly feathers to help incubate her unfertilized eggs.  Luckily, she's been much more docile than our broody Ameraucana last spring and there have been no attacks or bloody toes!  We've removed her from the…
The Door Swings Out!

The Door Swings Out!

A couple of days ago, when I wrote about all the work Tool Lady did on the chicken coop, I completely forgot to mention the most exciting upgrade to the whole darn coop! Ever since we built the Chicken Mansion, my biggest frustration has been having to push and shove my way into the coop every time I had to…
Chicken Down

Chicken Down

Tuesday, after an incredibly long day at work, I walked through the yard, gathered eggs, put on my muck boots and headed into the coop to feed and water the chickens. I grabbed their water and turned on the hose, then went to the scratch bucket to give the ladies some treats before filling their feed bin. Then, inexplicably, I…
Goat Share – Conclusion

Goat Share – Conclusion

After several months of getting to visit with and milk four lovely goats as part of our goat share, we received an email last week from the goats owner stating that the goats were going to a new home.  Here is the email, in part... After much consideration, I have decided to pass my goats to a new home.  I…