
314 articles

2016 Turkeys

It's been a month since we brought our first batch of turkeys home for the season and I just realized that I have yet to introduce them to you! (I'll blame this oversight on Spring Fever, which seems to have completely muddied my brain with visions of kids and ducklings and sprouts and planning for planting!) Our turkey purchases were…

The Feathered Nest

Eggs... Feathers... Down... And...we're off! Well, Kitty isn't sitting on them yet, but we officially have the beginnings of a clutch!!! #ducks #duckeggs A photo posted by Melissa (@evergrowingfarm) on Mar 24, 2016 at 7:08pm PDT We're up to nine!!! So the big question long do the eggs stay viable between being laid and her beginning to sit on…

Fresh Air & Sunshine

Our White Leghorn and Ameraucana pullets recently made the move from the brooder to a portion of the coop and it's been so much fun watching them explore, scratch around, and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air! We have eight of each and it's hilarious to watch how skittish the Leghorns are and how they then scare the others with…

Goat Pregnancy Watch! Day 111

As you might recall, on Day 86 I wrote about our wonderings as to whether or not Mama was actually pregnant and finally deciding that yes, in fact, she must have at least two kids in there! Well, now that we're about a month out from her estimated/official Kidding Day (May 7th at 145 days), she's really starting to pop!…
I’d like to formally introduce you to…

I’d like to formally introduce you to…

Red & Kitty :-) Since we've officially decided to keep our two Muscovy ducks as a mating pair into the foreseeable future, we have decided to give them names! (You know, unlike all of our other poultry that don't get names because they have a greater potential to become dinner either by intention or necessity.) And, so, in keeping with the…